Partner with us to promote the  gospel cause in ITALY!


Our mission

Most Italians have never heard the gospel of grace of Jesus Christ. We want to spread this good news in mainly three ways:

1. Church planting

The local church is God's main strategy for mission and Italy needs to see more healthy churches planted. Our vision is to strengthen the very small Italian church through faithful biblical church-planting for the glory of God. Our church will be part of Sovereign Grace Churches

2. University student ministry

Reaching out to university students is key for furthering God's work in Italy. Rocco is a staff worker with IFES Italy (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students). He is responsible for caring for and supporting Christian students involved in evangelism among their peers in the big university city of Turin, in northern Italy.

3. Music and translation ministry

As the church grows, thanksgiving, praise and understanding must also grow. We long to hear the Italian Church singing Gospel-centered, Christ-exalting and theologically deep congregational songs. Alongside a day-to-day translation of useful resources and books, Madalina is heavily involved in translating such songs.


Our plan 

1. Short Term (September 2023)

University student ministry in Turin begins. A time to plan, gather and prepare a future church-plant in northern Italy also begins.

2. Mid Term (September 2024)

 Church planting for the glory of God, alongside carrying on University student Ministry. 


A needy Country

Behind a veneer of warm, nostalgic romanticism and folklore, our beloved Italy hides a great spiritual need. 


"Rocco and Mady are dear saints who are committed to laying down their life for the gospel and the Lord's church..."

Ed O'Mara

Sovereign Grace Churches representative for Italy

"Rocco and Mady are humble, gifted, and discerning servants who want to see Jesus glorified in the church ..." 

Bob Kauflin

Director of Sovereign Grace Music

"Rocco and Mady are faithful to the gospel and the kind of people that others find very encouraging to be around..." 

John Benton

Director of pastoral support, Pastors' Academy, London, UK


Partner with us in our mission


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